Many users will appreciate these settings and will start using them when these changes reach the RTM branch of the operating system.
Using the mentioned settings, you can easily turn off the access to email and call history to all apps at once. This is really good move from Microsoft to allow the user to control apps this way. There, you can set which apps can access your email conversations. Go to Privacy -> Call History to control the access for specific apps to your call history.To try it in action, you can do the following: You can find this new feature in the Settings app.
The same is true for email conversations. The user can now explicitly set which apps can use the history of calls you made from a Windows 10 device if it has calling ability/phone feature. One of the new features which has silently appeared in the newly released Windows 10 build 10547 is the ability to control which apps can access the call history and email on your device. RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows issues and optimize system performance